Services Canada
Lower your utility bills and increase the comfort of your home.
An Energuy home energy assessment provides an extensive report about home improvement projects to enhance energy efficiency, lower utility bills, and increase comfort of your home – and may qualify for rebates!
Operating your home.
A home energy assessment will help you make the best energy efficiency choices to save on your utility costs.
Renovating your home.
A home energy assessment is the first step in making renovations that will save you money. An assessment will help you make informed decisions about which upgrades work best for your home, how to prioritize them and which will save you most on energy costs.
Purchasing a new home.
A home that receives an energy efficiency rating will show you how the home rates are compared to other homes in your area. Look for the EnerGuide label on the electrical panel to get a snapshot of the home’s energy performance at the time of the assessment.